Friday, October 21, 2011

NY papers have the best headlines!

Fun Time with Dad

How cool is this!

Friday, October 14, 2011

In light of the I am Mormon adds that we see around Phoenix, i figured i would bring a little humor to this by sharing a hilariouse video from Stephen Colbert. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Totalitarianism of Tolerance

The left loves to think of themselvs as tolerant and accepting while accusing the right opposite. So, who is more fundamentally more tolerant, the left or the right? I would argue that the rightn is far more tolerant and I will show you why.
I was reading in Moses chapter four the other day where it talks about the council in heaven where the father asked who should be sent. Satan stood before the father and presented his plan to save everyone but was ultimately rejected.
What stood out to me was the fact that the Father stood by and allowed Satan to present himself and plan in place of the Plan of Salvation. Contrast this to Nehor in the Book of Alma. Nehor went around teaching his doctrine, but what happened when he spoke to someone he disagreed with, he killed him. We see this in the city of Amminihiah and in at the end of Heleman and the begining of 3 Nephi where the believers werengatheredntogether to be killed for the things they believed in. Notice these people were not guilty breaking any laws, they were deemed worthy of death for what they believed.
In the 135 section of he D&C, we learn that one of the indepsensible aspects of a government is to preserve the freedom of concouse. The freedom to think freely for one self. One way Satan seeks to destroy the freedom of concouse is to labal those who apose him with a labal that is undesirable. For example, if you disagree with left on race issues your a racist. If you disagree with conclusions of global warming you are ant-science. Who wants to be labeled these things.
We should not be suprised to see Satan following the same pattern that he has always followed, to silance those who are a threat to his kingdom, he does this by marginalizing and labeling them. For example, in Calaforia those who were opposed to proposition 8, the name of the constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man an a woman were labeled as hatmongers.
The scriptures teach us to be firm and steadfast in our minds. As time goes on we will need to be even stronger and more committed to what we believe, the mocking and labeling from the great and spaciouse building will become louder and more cutting.
I referred to a point Dennis Prager made about homosexual marriage in a previous post. Here is a Youtube video of Dennis debating a few liberals on the issue. He explains it much better then I do.

The following is part of a debate between Christopher Hitchens, a self proclaimed atheist and author of the book "God is not Great", and Dennis Prager a Jewish Rabbi. the exchange I think is very enlightening and worth your time to listen. The rest of the debate is found on YouTube.

This last week on the Dennis Prager show, Dennis made a point about Gay Marriage that I have not heard anywhere else, and I think he hit the nail on the head. It is his opinion that homosexual marriage has nothing to do with the equality of homosexuals right to marriage, but rather it has everything to do with the distinct roles of men and woman in society. The secular Left since the 60s has taught in our university's that there is no difference between men and woman. for example, they teach that men and woman's sexuality are the same, as a side note, anyone who has been married know this is not true. the left has done a great job at tearing down the traditional roles of men and woman in society. We are taught this in the universities, we are pounded over and over in the media that the roles of the traditional family is not something to be desired. unfortunately our society has bought into this doctrine, and we see the effects of more and more woman choosing to leave the home to work. so, if enough people believe that the distinct roles of men and woman in society are due to archaic traditions, then why not let gay people get married. after all, if there is no difference between the sexes then a child looses nothing not having a father and a mother in the home.

How grateful I am for the proclamation on the family.

"all human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose....By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children."

Our Gender and roles are distinct. If you take this away, then the argument is much easier to win and focus on equality as we have seen in the media. Elder Packer has taught that we must preserve the masculinity of the man and the femininity of the woman. As you want movies and TV shows, just pay attention to how woman and men are portrayed. Generally you will see Woman in the light of being this strong and empowered Woman who takes the masculine role who saves the day, something that 30 years ago the man play. and you will see men portrayed in the light of an incompetent buffoon. it is staggering the message we see everyday and the importance to protect these distinctions.